February 13, 2017

For Brides

5 Reasons to do an Engagement Session

Hey there!

Welcome to our new video blog series all about engagement sessions! We are so excited to be sharing this new project with you! Today we’re starting with our top 5 reasons why we every couple should do an e-session. A majority of our brides and grooms opt for an engagement session, but every-so-often someone asks if or why they really need a session, in which case we always say “yes.” They’re so much fun and seriously serve our clients in so many amazing ways. We’ve never had a single couple come back and say that they wish they hadn’t done theirs.

Whether you’re just curious or trying to talk your fiance into one this will walk you through some of the main reasons why it may be the best choice for you! So, grab a snack, sit back, and enjoy!

Now, if you’re convinced that an engagement session is the right decision for you here’s a few more links to help you prepare for your session!

  1. Birmingham Engagement Session Location
  2. How to Choose Your Engagement Session Location

We would love to know what you think & any questions you might have or would like to see covered. Please feel free to leave us a comment in the box below!


Katie & Alec

- Kaley Fulton

On top of that, they made sure all of the poses were natural and felt comfortable to us. It was such a fun, relaxed experience with them and my husband!”  

"From the engagement session to our wedding day, they captured the details that are important to us.

client testimonials